MDbuddy is a webapp whos mission is to democratize and centralize the Canadian medical school admission process. The main feature of MDbuddy is the portfolio GPA calculator, which calculates both your cGPA and wGPA for most medical schools in Canada, using the appropriate GPA conversions for your university.
MDbuddy was first started in 2018 after I was stressed out about the confusing Canadian medical school system. As of today, it seems like the process did not get any simpler, so MDbuddy will continue to serve the 1000 monthly users who use it.
For best results, please use on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet.
DISCLAIMER: MDbuddy is an automated GPA calculation based on my interpretation of the GPA calculation formulas that universities provide on their websites. There is always a possibility that the information I have is outdated, or that my interpretation of a GPA formula is incorrect (e.g. counting summer courses when I shouldn't be). Use MDbuddy at your own discretion. MDbuddy is not responsible for any incorrect, misleading, or outdated information provided on the app. MDbuddy is not affliliated with any university or medical school.
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